Thursday, August 8, 2013

Small story of behavior!

Probably this is the story of every household and every parent and every child..rather everyone!

Consider an example of a home where there are  two girl kids.Let me give one line about both.

1) Hard-working student,studies 24/7,forgetful,does not have fixed routine and let-go attitude-in-fight.

2) Straight forward,doesn't study hard.. but manages with one-read,doesn't like to change routine,does not give up.

There are times when different persons react in different ways given same situation.

The 1st kid is often told for not keeping in touch with family after she leaves home for a job/marriage.It is understandable with the attitude of a girl who gives up easily.It may not be because of she might want to have "no-ties" with family.It's about the basic attitude.Love and care may not be a question here.

Well, it's the duty and moreover a simple love which should drive you towards people.Keeping in touch isn't compelled one,comes as an obvious action for that "love".

Given the same situation, the 2nd kid reacts differently.Often calling up and keeping in touch with family.Now, this arises from her possessive character which is why she does not even like to change her routine.What she patternises, be it with people/things.. it has go the same way.Now, if people complain about her being too stubborn, isn't it a package which comes with her don't-give-up attitude?

Often I see parents doing this and children who go on to become parents in the coming years tend to become the same.It's not the story with only parents.Goes with even relationship/friendship too.Its not a complaint, just wondering if it's the way life has to be.

In simple words, behavior is something which just cannot be manipulated on demand by people around.Nonetheless, love can change the attitude of people, slowly and gradually.Being considerate is the key.. in most of the cases.But expecting perfection by people is something impossible.

What can be done is;  develop a little understanding and a sincere effort to understand each other.. be it in a relationship/family-ties/friendship!

"There's no map to human behavior".
- Bjork 

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