Tuesday, May 15, 2012

“…. so complex”

Before I actually start telling what I want to, I should mention that I don’t want to call anything bad/good because it’s just like beauty within beholder’s eyes.

There are two things I'am stressing upon which aren’t totally contrasting..    It was difficult to put it in words, what I actually felt like. I have tried my best to express it..

And, its only what I feel and nothing more than that.


We always know what is righteous and what is shrewd. Well, there is always a chance where both being the same, at times. More like perception. Without our knowledge we choose the most righteous path sometimes and always feel for ourselves that we are shrewd and cunning, the one who is an nth degree diplomat, who can get the job done in the way he/she wants.

With situations that we come across day by day, we realise what we actually are. In other words, we explore our self, rather the inner self. Speaking of corporate, it’s such a paradox that people who are shrewd have been successful throughout. This does not confine to only corporate, but this we all might have come across in various walks of life. There are cases of big national leaders who have been selfless and still have become “LEADERS” in true sense.

If we start differentiating a successful manager and a successful leader, the topic turns abstract at one point. It’s so debateable that you can come up with myriad points to support the stand that you would choose to take. Can we call this as “survival of the fittest”? Are there no-thing such as “ideals”?  But, each individual will have his/her own ideals; which can be either good/bad. That’s perception once again.

But mere to adopt and be “successful”, which has one’s own definition; it is very difficult to understand the whole web of the righteous/non-righteous things. Somewhere down the line, it gets to the roots i.e., an individual’s upbringing and environmental factors.

Not getting deep into origin of one’s behaviour, I deduce that our emotions are more complex than we actually think. And also; we can’t play by TEXTBOOK all the time. But, it’s always left to one’s own perusal. I kind of see some relation of this statement with what I spoke of (though at times I myself feel it has nothing to do with, sometimes).

 Here it is - “you cannot please everyone”. So true!

"Good and bad are human concepts, so something that is not human cannot be classified as neither good nor bad."   - Yuuko Ichihara, XXXholic manga


  1. Most of us have indulged into making such entries into our blogs, the ones that are more of a diary entry... a torrent of thoughts getting splattered onto the blank sheet. I am sure all of it made perfect sense to you when you wrote it down but if you read it some years down the line, it will sound as obfuscated to you as it does to me today.

    I do not know who you are but you have a wonderful vocabulary. Just try to bring in some people into your thoughts. I am sure you cannot name the people who caused you to have these thoughts, but you can always call Mr X and Miss Q from algebra-land to tell your stories.

    Of course, this is just a passing musing from a random reader. To take it or to leave it, is totally up to you. Whatever happens, please don't stop writing. :-)

  2. Thanks Gaurav!I'm overwhelmed! :)

    This was a piece of writing that I wrote during 3rd week of my 1st corporate exposure, last year.I realized practicality is way too different from what I read in textbooks.It was not based on any particular incident.But, a collective experience.
