Tuesday, December 29, 2009


History as everyone cognizes is a chronicle, heading us from the -past- to -the-present -to -the- future.Elbert Hubbard puts before that History is a gossip well told and gossips are those which excite the curiosity of hoi polloi.
Tangling-with,to puzzle out the drift of series of events,actions,development galore through something COMMEMORATED and conserved in some authentic form like written works,inscriptions,pictures,monuments is interesting..but,That means to say:of the essence, one inevitably needs ,while studying it(especially as an academic subject),is MEMORY!
Not all people are bestowed with a dear retentivity.Virtually,children go through a caboodle of difficulty in learning the dates and events.When narrated as a tale,its often retrieved but,memorising the dates and events..is ludicrous.
Brickbats,to the system that enunciates you to learn by heart, the dates and events.Its decorous to know the events,as to when,where,how,why it happened.But,accentuating on" WHEN??"is unmanageable to endure and regurgitate on your answer script.So,what is laudable or hopeful should be bucked up.

'Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.' (Delmore Schwartz)

1 comment:

  1. I know! U cant really expect them to show any trace of 'smartness'.. can u? i really wish they taught children to learn from the mistakes made in past than memorizing them.. thats just plain stupid
