Thursday, December 31, 2009


Tiger hill is the acme of the Ghoom in Darjeeling.The hill does not seem to have any seeable tigers,though..!!Well anyways,the kernel is,the resplendant eyeshot of the mighty and aesthetic Kanchendzonga is what one should not fail to percieve with senses.The first
ray of sun when falls on the peak(Kanchendzonga),it appears as though the fair mountain is blushing,rosiness,that u can feel,well-nigh.Thats too poetic,but
even an icy someone will evince an absolute metamorphosis to a quixotic mortal.Thats the charisma of the place!!To get a nifty view of the refulgent sunrise and the peak aright,amidst the crowd is ardous.Not an elbow-grease,but,its just that,one has to wake up at
something like..3 AM!,which most of us detest..few might get reminded of the previous night of the board exams!! which is not antidromic at all.May not be e'er, that depends on the time of year,the crowd(tourists in that particular season).But,the kip goes forth and the sunrise will zap in notime..enthralling beyond a degree that one can reckon.Tardily,as the rays fall on other peaks alongside,called janoo,goenka etc.,its a stake for sure that your body and soul will be sated with an aeonian feel and
leaves behind intense joy and delight and springs up with same immense pleasance every time you play back the video in ur cam..

'My profession is to always find God in nature'.
(Henry David Thoreau)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We are all aware that how stray dogs trouble the multitude.There are many cases where some children were seized with teeth by these dogs.
As a result,the corporation took some evasive action of literally eradicating the unhinges caused rather dogs-themselves.
From standpoint of public,the nuissance could be avoided by those measures.On the contrary,when we give a deep thought to it,as a HUMAN-this starts taking a picture of we being INSENTIENT.How far are we going right in this direction??is indeed a big question that our conscience should ask us..
The inhuman killing of stray dogs by injecting some noxious drugs,giving them feed admixed with poisonous stuff,leaves us dumb for the very thought of this.Why can't they be treated and respected as they too are god's creations?
One thing that can arbitrate these two matters is,setting up of a topographic point where in not only the stray dogs but also other desolated animals like old horses of the race clubs,etc.,can be rehabilitated.

'There is a great deal of human nature in man'
(Charles Kingsley)


History as everyone cognizes is a chronicle, heading us from the -past- to -the-present -to -the- future.Elbert Hubbard puts before that History is a gossip well told and gossips are those which excite the curiosity of hoi polloi.
Tangling-with,to puzzle out the drift of series of events,actions,development galore through something COMMEMORATED and conserved in some authentic form like written works,inscriptions,pictures,monuments is interesting..but,That means to say:of the essence, one inevitably needs ,while studying it(especially as an academic subject),is MEMORY!
Not all people are bestowed with a dear retentivity.Virtually,children go through a caboodle of difficulty in learning the dates and events.When narrated as a tale,its often retrieved but,memorising the dates and ludicrous.
Brickbats,to the system that enunciates you to learn by heart, the dates and events.Its decorous to know the events,as to when,where,how,why it happened.But,accentuating on" WHEN??"is unmanageable to endure and regurgitate on your answer script.So,what is laudable or hopeful should be bucked up.

'Time is the school in which we learn, time is the fire in which we burn.' (Delmore Schwartz)